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XShot XSP2 Pocket Camera Extender Compare Prices
Best Review: XShot XSP2 Pocket Camera Extender - This is probably the most ingenious product I have seen in a long time. I frequently travel alone, and asking someone to take a picture of you while in the US is annoying. Trying doing it in a country where you don't speak the language. I just spent two weeks in Italy and Malta, and I can't imagine how difficult that trip would have been if I had to ask random people to take a picture of me.This amazing product not only is practical, it is well built. It is made of sturdy metal. The handle is circular, with dimples on each side to add stability. While the camera mount is plastic, I have had no problems with it, and took over 1000 pictures with it, and it is still in perfect shape.This item is also a conversation starter, because most people have never seen anything like it. Coming back into the US, I had a great conversation with two customs people who thought it was a great product. But it is not just for the lone traveler, it also comes in handy for people traveling in groups that want to be in on the photo, not just the person behind the camera. The pocket model is six inches in length (Plus the length of your camera), and fits easily into most trouser pockets.It works great for horizontal and veritcal shots. But there is another plus. Have you ever been at a concert or speech and wanted to get a picture of the artist/speaker? Most people will just stick their arms straight up to try to get a shot above everyone else. With this, though, set your self timer to five seconds, extend it, and you are three feet above everyone's head, guaranteed a good shot!This is truly a great product for the lone traveler or for the person who is tired of being behind the camera. Give it a try, I bet you won't be disappointed!
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